Looking for a replica saber without the premium price tag? Look no further! Discover the allure of our Anakin Skywalker replica saber, a gem in our Value series of lightsabers. Crafted to perfection without the premium price, our Value line offers enthusiasts the chance to wield iconic character sabers at a fraction of the cost. Choose from two core types, RGB or SN Pixel, and immerse yourself in the legendary saga with unmatched quality and affordability.
Hilt Size - 265*33mm
Blade Size:
Length - 82cm or 92cm
THK(mm) - 2mm or 3mm
OD - 1 inch
Anakin - Value Saber
Please see our Core Technology FAQs to choose the tech that is right for you.
Absolutely love this saber! Has a good weight and is comfortable to hold. The sounds and colors are amazing, and combined with the app for many different visual blade effects and adding your own customized sounds is fun in itself. Would recommend.